Is It Possible To Get Dental Implants In One Day?

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Have you lost one or more teeth due to decay, trauma, or gum disease? 

Dental implants can be an excellent restorative solution for you.

You might be thinking is there any way to get dental implant the same day or is it possible to get dental implant one day? 

Well the answer is YES, dental implant is possible in one day.

The standard process for getting dental implants typically involves multiple visits over several months to allow sufficient healing time between surgical implant placement and connecting the visible artificial tooth portion. 

However, some expert dentists now offering “same-day implants” or “teeth in a day,” allowing the entire dental implant process to be completed in just one day.


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What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are one of the most realistic and durable options available to permanently replace missing teeth. The implant itself serves as an artificial tooth root, providing a stable base for one or more replacement teeth to attach to. Dental implants are tiny posts, usually made of highly biocompatible titanium, that are surgically inserted into the jawbone. Through the process of osseointegration, the jawbone grows tightly around the implant in the following months after placement. This creates a highly secure anchor for artificial replacement teeth.

Benefits of dental implant

Dental implants offer many benefits that other tooth replacement options like dentures and bridges cannot match:

1. Improved appearance:

Dental implants look and feel similar to natural teeth. The fit and stability allow implants to appear very natural.

2. Better speech:

Unlike removable devices like dentures, dental implants won’t slip or move around in the mouth during speaking and eating. This improves comfort and speech.

3. Increased comfort:

Dental implants fuse directly to the jawbone like natural tooth roots, meaning adjacent teeth don’t need altering to hold the restoration in place. This leads to increased comfort compared to bridges.

4. Durability:

 With proper care, implants can last for decades without problems. Other restoration options often need replacement in just 5-10 years.

5. Prevent bone loss:

 The pressure implants place on the jawbone prevents resorption that occurs after losing natural teeth. This helps maintain the facial structure and integrity of the jawbone long-term.

6. Don’t rely on neighboring teeth:

Bridges require filing down adjacent teeth to function. Implants don’t impact neighboring healthy teeth.

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One-Day Dental Implants – Is It Possible?

Yes, one day dental implant is possible in the same day. Traditional dental implant treatment typically involves multiple visits over a span of several months. Initially, the implant must be surgically inserted into the bone and covered by stitched gums during the healing integration phase. After several months, smaller follow-up procedures are then required to add abutments and crowns. 

However, advances in implant materials and precision computer-guided surgery now allow some dentists to provide this entire extended process in just one day.

Offering same-day implants can significantly accelerate treatment time for suitable candidates interested in getting a restoration quickly with minimal visits. While every part of traditional multi-stage implant therapy is still required, it is all accomplished in rapid succession within a single lengthy appointment when performed by properly trained dentists.

The Procedure for One-Day Dental Implants

Providing safe and effective treatment within an accelerated one-day timeline requires substantial advanced planning and technology. The basic components involved in the one-day dental implant procedure include:

1. Consultation:

Estimated Time: 1 hour

We’ll begin with a consultation with a dental implant specialist. During this appointment, our dentist will evaluate your oral health, take X-rays or scans to assess the condition of your teeth and jawbone, and discuss your treatment options.

2. Treatment Planning:

Estimated Time: 1-2 hours

Based on the evaluation, a personalized treatment plan will be developed to address your specific needs and goals. If you are a suitable candidate for same-day implants, this plan will outline the steps and timeline.

3. Tooth Extraction (if needed):

Estimated Time: 30 minutes

If you have a damaged or compromised tooth that needs to be replaced, it may need to be extracted on the same day as the implant placement.

4. Implant Placement:

Estimated Time: 1-2 hours

The dental implant specialist will surgically place the implant into the jawbone. This procedure typically involves drilling a hole into the bone and inserting the implant, which may be a titanium screw or a ceramic implant, depending on your case.

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Pros and Cons of One-Day Dental Implants

While one-day implants offer the appeal of receiving a complete restoration in a single appointment, there are important considerations regarding the advantages and disadvantages with this accelerated technique.


The potential benefits of opting for immediate same-day dental implants include:

Completing every phase of dental implant treatment in one consolidated visit significantly reduces overall treatment time, letting patients receive restorations faster.

Instead of needing 4+ visits over several months, patients only need to schedule and travel for one extremely long appointment.

 If successful, patients walk out with a temporary tooth replacement already secured on the same day rather than having to go months without a restoration.


Despite the conveniences one-day treatment offers, patients must weigh some possible drawbacks too:

Due to the advanced materials, planning software, imaging technology, and specialized training required, fees for immediate implants are often higher than multi-stage traditional methods.

Because restorations are placed much sooner before initial bone remodeling finishes, minor position and shape adjustments may be needed later on after some initial healing takes place.

Patients before & after results

Alternatives to One-Day Implants

For patients unable or unwilling to pursue accelerated treatment, traditional implants still achieve excellent permanent solutions with a few more months invested in the process. There are also intermediate options like bridges and dentures either temporarily or permanently depending on each patient’s needs and preferences.

1. Conventional implants:

Multi-stage implant treatment remains the standard proven approach that works predictably well, even if it requires more time and clinical visits to complete. Not rushing biologically-necessary healing phases reduces failure risks.

2. Bridges:

 Also known as fixed partial dentures, bridges utilize the neighboring teeth to anchor and support artificial replacements by adhering crowns to adjacent natural teeth. This achieves immediate same-day results when flexibility exists around not relying solely on implants.

3. Dentures:

Partials, full dentures, and overdentures serve as affordable and rapidly fabricated removable alternatives that restore aesthetics and chewing function without implants. However, these do not fuse to the bone or prevent resorption over time.

What users are Saying?


Thanks to impressive technological leaps in planning software, guided implantation tools, and advanced prosthetic materials, the prospect of condensing full-arch dental implant treatment into a single exhaustive “teeth-in-a-day” appointment is now possible. When executed precisely under controlled conditions by exceptionally skilled dental teams, this technique allows some patients a streamlined path to fixed implant restorations in only 24 hours with minimal overall visits required.

However, since such accelerated placement provides teeth immediately at the cost of needing longer integration into early-stage healing bone, minor adjustments may be needed weeks or months later after bone/gum remodeling finalizes around the implants. Dentists still recommend conventional multi-stage placement methods for many cases based on budget, anatomical needs, and patients’ healing capacity to avoid complications by allowing more gradual recoveries between surgical phases. Regardless of the approach taken, dental implants remain extremely versatile for replacing anything from a single tooth to full arches of missing teeth.


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Dr. Guzin


Dr. Guzin Kırsaçlıoğlu graduated from Ankara Dental School in 1982 and opened her own practice. Dr.Kirsaçlioglu completed her Master’s in Cosmetic Dentistry at New York University in 2011 as well as annual continuing education courses on dental implants in France, Germany, Spain, and Israel. Today, Dr. Kirsaçlioglu is an internationally recognized, multidisciplinary dental professional running a dental practice with a staff of 18. 

She is a member of the American Dental Association (ADA), the Turkish Dental Association (TDB), European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED), American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AAD) and the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO).

She has authored numerous dental related articles covering the topics of both dental implants and dental aesthetics. When not treating patients, Dr Kirsaçlioglu volunteers in rural villages, teaching children about good oral health and preventative dental care.

This article is for informational purposes. It is not meant to be construed as dental advice or dental diagnosis or treatment. Consulting with a qualified dental professional before beginning or changing your dental treatment is strongly advised.


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