Can Food Get Stuck Under Dental Implants: all-on-4 or all-on-6

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Lily Thompson

Lily Thompson

Medical Content Writer

Dr. Carrasco

Dr. Carrasco

Medical Reviewer

Many individuals considering implant-supported dentures often wonder if food can get trapped beneath them. Implant-supported dentures are designed to restore teeth both functionally and aesthetically after significant damage or tooth loss. These dentures look natural and are permanently affixed in the mouth using four or more implants embedded across the jawbone.

While food particles can become lodged under these dentures, this issue can generally be managed with proper care and a few precautionary measures.

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Why Does Food Get Stuck Under Implant-Supported Dentures?

To understand why food might get stuck under implant-supported dentures, let’s compare them to a single dental implant. A dental implant consists of three parts: the metal root implanted into the jaw, the abutment, and the dental crown. These components fit tightly together, mimicking how natural teeth emerge from the gums. In contrast, a crown on a natural tooth does not leave room for food to get trapped underneath.

However, implant-supported dentures differ in that they involve a full arch denture attached to all four implants and abutments. This configuration allows for slight gaps where food particles can accumulate.

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How to Prevent Food from Getting Stuck

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is crucial, regardless of whether you have natural teeth or dental restorations. Cleaning your mouth after every meal is essential, even if you don’t immediately feel or see food particles under the dentures. If brushing isn’t possible right after eating, rinsing with mouthwash or water can help dislodge and remove food remnants. Additionally, when feasible, thoroughly brush your dentures and gums as part of your regular oral care routine.

Using a water flosser can also enhance the cleaning process for dentures. The water pressure from the flosser effectively dislodges food particles and bacteria from under the dentures, providing a deeper clean.

By diligently following these oral hygiene practices, major issues with implant-supported dentures can be avoided. Nonetheless, regular dental visits—ideally twice a year—are recommended for professional cleanings and to monitor any changes in the gum area that might require attention.

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Dr. Carrasco


Dr. Carrasco Graduated dental school in 1981 from the U.A.C.J. Since 2005 he has specialized in Prosthodontic and Oral Implantology. He is a member of American Dental Association (ADA), a fellow of the Mexican Dental Association, The American Society of Osseointegration and an associate fellow of The International Congress of Oral Implantologists

Dr. Carrasco has completed continuing education courses at prestigious U.S. universities such as Loma Linda University and New York University. He was the Former President of the College of Dental Surgeons, Former professor of undergraduate and graduate of the Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez.

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